Reconstruction of Amawbia Flyover Route by Soludo, Thank You, Mr Governor, But


Shortly after an editorial by this paper, drawing the attention of the Anambra State Government to the poor state of the road leading to the Amawbia Flyover Bridge from Awka, and the need for the state government to repair it, despite its being a Federal Road, the Governor Chukwuma Soludo-led Anambra State Government, hearkened to our call and directed its Works Ministry to undertake what must have been a palliative work on that portion of road.

It was a development that elicited sighs of relief from those using that road. The poor state of that portion of road had indeed, been posing nightmares to road users there as many of the potholes there had developed into what may pass for craters, thus exposing vehicles to risk of damage.

We had argued that although it was a Federal Road, the Anambra State Government should undertake to repair it as it was the major gateway out of the state from the capital city of Awka.

When therefore, work started on it, many cheered it. But suddenly, it appeared as if the little project had been abandoned, with the rains rubbishing the little work that had been done. Right now, the place is quickly reverting to its previous poor condition and road users are bearing the brunt.

While we thank the Anambra State Government for quickly hearkening to our call to repair the road, we urge it to quickly restart work on that portion as further delay could cause more damage than it had done earlier.

It is common knowledge that once a road’s surface has been scraped, a worse damage follows, if work is not quickly followed up. This is the situation that is about to be witnessed there, unless the state government quickly arrests it.

Really, one does not expect that such haphazard work could be done in the thick of the rainy season, knowing the attendant consequences.

While it can be argued that the rains might have delayed further work on that portion, experience should have taught those concerned that it was better to wait for when a quick and efficient work would be done, than to hurriedly commence and stop work.

We are therefore calling on the Anambra State Government of Prof Chukwuma Soludo, to quickly address this problem before it worsens. But we are happy that his government has a listening ear which made it to have hearkened to our call to work on that portion of road in the first place.

We are confident and hopeful that the state government will do the needful as soon as possible.


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