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Late Results in Secondary Schools: Attention PPSSC

The attention of Fides has been drawn to a disturbing scenario playing out in the secondary school system in Anambra State. It is about the computation of results over the manual method of the past. By this method, students are required to check their results online, instead of obtaining same from their teachers at the end of the term. The idea behind it is to enable the students to get their results early.
But feelers coming to us indicate that the aim is being defeated owing to late release of results of students which often times come out towards the end of the following term.
Those who complain, claim that despite the N600 paid by every student, parents do not get service for the money as the results come late, thereby denying them the opportunity of carrying out proper assessment of their children or wards.
An attempt by Fides to contact the chairman of Post Primary School Service Commission, PPSSC, Mr Nze Emeka Olisa, to clarify issues from him failed as he could not respond to the SMS sent to him.
While we are not in a position to therefore confirm the veracity of the claims by some parents, we will very quickly posit that if it turns out to be true, it certainly will not be in the best interest of students and parents.
Results are supposed to be issued to students on the day a term ends; not the next day or days after. The usefulness of issuing results early is for parents to assess their children and help to brush them up in areas of deficiency during the holidays.
But when the students return home empty handed, such an opportunity is lost. It is even worse if the results take longer before coming out as students will not be sure of going into the next class or not. Thus, for results to be released in the tail end of the new term is nothing short of strange and ridiculous.
As we already admitted that we could not get the reaction of the PPSSC boss to clarify the matter, we will not be in a position to pass much judgement but we urge the education authorities in the state to investigate this matter with a view to correcting the anomaly.
If anything should be toyed with, it is not the result of any student as it will amount to playing with the future of those who represent our tomorrow.
This is an urgent matter that requires urgent attention.


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