Bishop Ezeokafor: 40 Years of Fruitful Service  to God

Bishop Ezeokafor: 40 Years of Fruitful Service  to God


The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Awka, His Lordship, Most Rev Paulinus Ezeokafor, is celebrating a milestone as a priest of God. He has clocked forty years of service in the Lord’s Vineyard.

Early beginnings

Most Rev. Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor, born on 13th September 1952, hails from Ifite Nanka Orumba North Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria. He is the second child, but the first son, of the six surviving children of Mr Raymond Enukebe Ezeokafor and Mrs. Veronica Nwasinwa of blessed memory. He had his primary education at St. Anthony’s Primary School, now Central School Isigwunwagu Ifite Nanka, 1959 – 66. On account of the Nigerian crisis and consequent civil war, he could not go in for the post primary studies immediately.

In 1969, however, he gained admission into All Hallows Seminary Onitsha, which was temporarily relocated to Ukpor in Nnewi South L.G.A. on account of the war. At the end of the Civil war in 1970, the Seminary went back to Onitsha, and naturally he followed suit. The young Paulinus successfully completed his Post Primary education in 1974, when he obtained his West African School Certificate (WASC).

After his Post Primary education, he was sent on one year Long Apostolic Work to the Archdiocesan Catholic Secretariat, Onitsha. In the Secretariat, he served in the following capacities: Assistant Secretary to the Archdiocesan Lay Apostolate Office, Archdiocesan Dispatch Rider, and Seminarian Director of the pioneer members of the Brothers of St. Stephen’s Religious Congregation, Onitsha; then housed at the Holy Trinity Cathedral Compound, Onitsha, among other minor assignments.

It is important to note that Paulinus was the student Secretary to the Rector of All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha in the 1973/74 Academic Year.

Towards the end of his long Apostolic Work in the Secretariat in 1975, the then Rector Msgr. Emmanuel Otteh, requested him to do another one year apostolic work in the seminary to help bring up his younger brothers in the Lord. Consequently, in September of the same year, and in the spirit of Christ, Paulinus transferred to All Hallows Seminary to take up his new assignment, while most of his classmates left for the Senior Seminary, However, as providence would have it, by January 1976, the seminary was able to recruit more lay teachers, and Paulinus was asked to leave for the Senior Seminary.

Philosophical and Theological Studies

On 7th January, 1976, Paulinus was admitted into the Faculty of Philosophy, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Ikot-Ekpene, to join his mates and others already doing their first year Philosophy. He completed his four-year Philosophical Studies in 1979, and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy (B. Phil – Baccalaureus Philosophiae) from the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome.

With the completion of his philosophical studies in June 1979, Paulinus started his four-year Theological Studies, in Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu. This last stage of his priestly formation and academic pursuit in the Seminary lasted till June 1983, when he bagged a second Bachelor’s Degree, now in Divinity (B.D Baccalaureus Divinitatis) from the same Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome.

During his senior seminary days, he was one of the Secretaries to the Academic Dean’s Office, Faculty of Theology, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, for two academic sessions and the First Auxiliary (President Students’ Council) Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, in the First Semester of the 1982/83 Academic Year. Beyond the seminary, his impact was not missing. He was a student union enthusiast, and eventually became the Assistant Secretary, Nanka Students’ Union (1972-1973), and the Secretary (1974-1976).

In the course of his Theological Studies, he was installed Lector and Acolyte on 19th December 1981, and 14th December 1982, respectively. He was ordained a Deacon on 18th December 1982 and priest on 30th June 1984 by His Lordship, Most Rev. Albert Obiefuna, at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Awka.

Pastoral Experience and Sojourn to Rome

After his priestly ordination in 1984, Fr. Paulinus Ezeokafor launched into active ministry, working as the Parochial Vicar of All Saints Catholic Church, Awgbu (1984-1985). In October 1985 to September 1989, he worked as the Parish Priest of the same parish. In October 1989, he was made the Parish Priest of St John’s Catholic Church, Neni. He was in Neni till September 1992, when he eventually left for Rome on specialization studies in Moral Theology.

He did his Licentiate and Doctorate at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome. In November 1996, he came back from Rome, having successfully completed his studies. On his return, he was appointed the Rector of St. Dominic Savio Seminary, Akpu, where he served efficiently for one decade.

St. Dominic Savio Seminary, Akpu: Rector

Without doubt, the seminary is the heart of the diocese. As a result, the task of formation of candidates for the priesthood requires a certain special preparation of those to whom this work is entrusted. This enjoins the Diocesan Bishop to ensure that formators in the seminary have genuine qualities like human and spiritual maturity, stability in their own vocation, among others. They are to be not just teachers, but role models to the young seminarians. With all of these in view, the then Bishop of Awka, Most Rev. Simon Okafor, appointed Fr. Paulinus the Rector of St. Dominic Savio Seminary, Akpu, where he served efficiently for one decade (1996-2006). It was no mean feat he accomplished as the Rector of St. Dominic Savio Seminary, Akpu.

Infrastructural Transformation of the St. Dominic Savio Seminary

There are numerous infrastructural developments introduced by Fr. Ezeokafor in St. Dominic Savio Seminary which aided the integral formation of the students. Immediately after assuming office, in 1997, Fr. Ezeokafor replaced the Seminary Mercedes Benz 911 that was stolen in April the same year.

This was the birth of Missionswerk, Catholic Diocese of Awka. In 1998, he established the Seminary piggery and constructed the drainage and pavements behind all the dormitories. In 1999, he embarked on environmental beautification with flowers. He also expanded the generator house. He reactivated the Borehole which dried up in 1992. He also installed a second generator: SOKVA, to augment the Hr3 Lister of 1981.

Going further, in 2001, he got a fairly used Mitsubishi Pick-Up Van to replace the old 404 Peugeot Pick-Up Van. Here, he also expanded the piggery and completed the Seminary Infirmary. In 2002, he completed the Hall and Visitors’ House.

The year 2003 witnessed the construction of pavements and drainage around the chapel and the construction of pavements and gutters in front of the dormitories. In 2004, he purchased a Toyota Dyna 300 Truck. Significantly, he asphalted the Seminary Avenue the same year. In 2005, he painted all the buildings in the Seminary compound, renovating those that needed to be renovated.

The Seminary witnessed a lot of all-round growth and transformation under the administration of Rev. Fr. Paulinus Ezeokafor, always assisted by his co-formators. He cherished team work, knowing full well that it engenders good results. In fact, “for their work to be effective and so, yield the required fruit, the formators must work as a team…so that the work of formation will be lighter, easier and effective.

This is in keeping with the words of OptatamTotius which state without mincing words that: “Under the rector’s leadership they (formators) are to form a very closely knit community, both in spirit and in activity, and they are to constitute among themselves and with the students that kind of family that will answer to the Lord’s prayer: That they be one” (cf. John 17:11) and that will develop in the students a deep joy in their own vocation.”,3

The making of a Bishop

Rev. Fr. Paulinus Ezeokafor was appointed the Auxiliary Bishop of Awka by Pope Benedict XVI on 20th January, 2007, assigning to him the Titular See of Tetci. He was subsequently consecrated on 28 April, 2007. He chose as his motto: ”Caritas mea cum omnibus vobis in Christo Jesu”, “My love is with you all in Christ Jesus” (1Cor.16, 24). On 8 July 2007, he was appointed the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Awka.

His Coat of Arms

Caritas mea cum omnibus vobis in Christo Jesu- My love is with you all in Christ Jesus, is taken from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 16:24. It is central and unites everything in his coat of arms. As Christ the Lamb of God shed His blood for the salvation of all, so must we, in the spirit of love, sacrifice everything, even our life for the good of others.

The chalice collecting the blood of the lamb, reminds us of the blood of the sacrifice of the cross, which is enacted at the sacrifice of the altar, where Christ continues to pour out Himself for the salvation of all. It invites us to be always disposed to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.

The chalice standing on the Bible, the Word of God, reminds us of the foundation of our faith. Nourished by the Word, we can approach the altar of the Lord with better understanding, love and true devotion. The colours: violet, red, white and green, represent the four colours of our vestment for Mass. Their beauty together, reminds us of the source of beauty, God Himself.

Personally Financed Projects

It is revealing to note that Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor was not only administering the temporal goods of Awka Diocese but was also silently financing some projects with his personal fund. Among them are:

Construction of Old People’s Home and Orphanage at Igboukwu. To mark the Silver Jubilee of his priestly ordination in 2009, he channeled all the proceeds from that celebration together with the financial support he got from friends here and in Germany and Switzerland, through the help of some of our priests, to the construction of Old Peoples’ Home and Orphanage at Igboukwu. The project was however initially originated by Caritas Nigeria, Awka Diocese.

Financing of the construction Plaza B at Okpuno named after Bishop Simon Okafor.

Acquisition of eleven plots of land for the start off of the present St. Charles Borromeo outstation in Ngozika Phase 2, Awka.

Acquisition of fifty plots of land at Mgbakwu for the Diocese.

Financing of the construction of the residence for the three principal officers viz: Registrar, Bursar and Librarian, of Peter University Achina-Onneh.

Contributing two-thirds of the total sum for the construction of the ongoing Entrepreneurship Building at Peter University.

Financing of the construction of three bungalows for three indigent persons in Abba, Isiagu and Nanka.

      Renovation of a hostel building at the Correctional Centre in Amawbia and others

Apart from these personally financed projects, his administration engaged fully in the education apostolate. He believed strongly, and rightly,  that for positive change to be realized in any society, education must be given a paramount place.

To that effect, as a positive effect of the handing over of schools to their original owners by Mr. Peter Obi’s Administration, he partnered with the government in the renovation of most of the schools. To crown it all, he embarked upon the establishment of Peter University, Achina-Onneh, so as to maintain a sound academic continuity for young people. That’s no doubt a is show of unparalleled courage.

Consequent upon being one of the private universities approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC), on 6th April, 2022, Peter University received a provisional licence from the National Universities Commission (NUC).  Ad Maiorem Gloriam Dei.

Culled from “The Shepherd: A Festschrift in honour of Most Rev. Paulinus C. Ezeokafor”

Edited by: Evaristus Ifeanacho


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