Kidnapping should be made a Capital Offence Throughout Nigeria

Chibok girls: Nigeria’s most famous kidnap case


Perhaps the most rampant crime in Nigeria at the moment is kidnapping.  This involves taking away or forcefully transporting a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment, a confinement without legal authority. It is a scourge that has enveloped the entire nation like a thick fog, with the various state governments and the Federal Government appearing clueless about appropriate measures to take in arresting the situation.

Anambra is among 15 states where kidnapping has been made a capital office. The other states include, Enugu, Abia, Akwa Ibom, Imo, Bayelsa, Bauchi, Cross River, Ebonyi, Kogi, Rivers, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo and Oyo. But strangely, despite this development, the crime has shown no signs of abating. Rather, it has reached terrifying heights, such that movement across and within many states in the country is fraught with danger.

Passengers and people in private vehicles are often kidnapped on highways, with ransom paid. The most notorious routes include the Abuja-Kaduna, Abuja-Kogi and Lagos-Benin highways. The kidnappers operate on these routes regularly in a way that suggests that the country’s security forces have  either been overwhelmed or have become clueless.

To avoid being kidnapped on the highways, more Nigerians are beginning to fly by air despite the high costs. Others who cannot do so are condemned to travel by road and take whatever they see.

As the country prepares for the yuletide, when there will be massive movement of people from one end of the country to another, it is not rocket science to say that all hell would be let loose on travellers, bringing tears and sorrow to victims and their families.

But, are the federal and state governments doing enough to stem the tide? Are they paying lip service to fighting the menace? For instance, although fifteen states in the federation have made kidnapping punishable by death, it is not often we read or hear about any kidnapper facing the death sentence. Is it that the said capital punishment is on paper?

It is known that one of the major problems on this country is inability to follow up on decisions or to implement laws. This usually gives fillip to criminal elements. We therefore urge that states which have made kidnapping a capital offence, should endeavour to walk their talk. Kidnapping a fellow human being is most despicable and the perpetrators should be visited with the harshest punishment possible.

While at this, we urge states yet to make kidnapping a capital offence to do so and follow up by implementing it. Everything possible should be done to save the citizens of this country from the claws of kidnappers. No more kid gloves treatment or very soon the worst will even happen.


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