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Attacks on Catholic Priesthood by Non Catholics

By Francis Okoye

Today, I choose to talk about attacks on the Catholic Priesthood by non-Catholics that lead Catholics to leave the Catholic Church. Please use this article as Bible study/Catechism with your family and relations who are Catholics.

Non Catholics claim the following:

  1. Catholics call their priest Father, while Christ said that no one should be called Father except God. They answer father when they have no sons and daughters . They quote 1 tim 2:5.

(a)   Jesus Christ while telling the story of Lazarus and the rich man called Abraham Father..Lk 16:24-25. God made Abraham Father of nations .Gen 17:4-6.In various parts of the Bible God is called Father .1 John 2:1.1 John 1:14. Even the priests and apostles while praying called God “father..”1 Cor 8:6.Jesus while teaching us to pray, called God “father”..Matt 6:9-13 .Lk 23:34.John 20:17 .St. Paul solves the problem by telling us that he is a Spiritual Father to Timothy 1 Cor 4:15

(b)All the Apostles or Priests were called FATHER, 1 Cor 4:15, Hence, Catholic priests are SPIRITUAL FATHERS in lineage of the apostles.

  1. Catholic priest don’t marry, but the Bible says we should not forbid to marry. They quote 1 Tim 4:3.

It was Jesus Christ that spoke of a time when in addition to people being born enuchs or made enuchs will make themselves enuch ( people who cannot marry)for the sake of the kingdom of God.Matt 19:12.   (a) This is to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus Christ .Matt 19:12, Matt 5:17-18.

St Paul never married and recommended that others don’t marry if they want to serve God better. 1 Cor 7:1, 6-8, 1Cor 7:25-35.

Jesus Christ spoke of a time when some of his followers will leave everything to follow him. Matt 19:26.

At the start of the Church, some apostles (priests) never married but others married. As time passed, the word of God was fulfilled with all of them never marrying. Matt 19:12, 1 Cor 9:5, 1 Tim 3:1-5, Rev 14:4.

The Catholic priests and religious are not forbidden to marry but voluntarily make such vows .They can leave and marry at any time if they want. This is different from forbidden to marry found in some other religions. 1 Tim 4:3…St. Paul revealed that if you want to serve God in the best way, don’t marry.1 Cor 7. St Paul and St John were not married though Peter was already married before meeting Christ..Matt 8:14-15,Lk 4:38-39.

  1. Catholics confess their sins to Priests while the Bible says we should only confess our sins to God. They quote 1 John 1:9

The Bible revealed that people who gathered while John de Baptist preached later confessed their sins to him. Matt 3:6. Jesus Christ revealed that man has the power to forgive sins.Lk5:24. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, the first thing he did was to give powers to the apostles to forgive sins. John 20:13.It is the new era of how sins are to be forgiven if you are a follower of Christ. He said to them. Matt 9:6.Later in the Bible we see the people confess their sins to the Apostles..Acts 19:18 Even in the Old Testament, people confessed their sins to the priests..Lev 16:21.The bible refers to it as the Ministry of Reconciliation entrusted to the Apostle 2 Cor 5:18-19.

We can also confess our sins to one another Jam 5:16

  1. Catholics priests perform rituals called Holy Mass while Christ ended all rituals with his death on the cross. They quote Heb 8:13……

Catholic priest perform what is called “thanksgiving ” or “Eucharist ” not based on the rituals of the Old Testament which is obsolete . Jesus Christ celebrated the first Eucharist or thanksgiving. He directed his apostles to do so in His Memory. Lk 22:13-20…On the first day of the week(Sunday) , the apostles gathered for prayers, fellowship, sharing the word of God and thanksgiving.This is a definition of the Holy Mass. They also did so every day. Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7, Acts 2:46.

The Priesthood of the Catholic Church are from the Royal priesthood of Melchizedek which offer bread and wine in a spiritual way. Gen 14:17-20,

1 Peter 2:5,9. Heb 5: 6,10.

In imitation and following the order of Jesus Christ who offered bread and wine at the ” breaking of bread ” and directed that it must be done by his followers in His Memory .Luke 22:13-20, 1Cor 11:23-27.

Any time the Church or Apostles worship, they must include the “breaking of Bread” Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7, Acts 2:46.

The breaking of bread of Holy Mass or Holy Eucharist is so important to Jesus Christ that he promised to join in every breaking of bread from his kingdom in heaven .Mark 14:22-25.

You can see it was not the sacrifice of the Holy Mass which is actually the Breaking of Bread that was abolished. What was abolished was any sacrifice involving shedding animal blood like in the Old Testament. Heb Chapter 9 and 10.

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FR Francis Okoye writes from Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria


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