Youth With Positive Difference


With Amarachi Okpunobi

Think positively in order to achieve positive things in life. Most of the youths have gone astray due to much of negative thoughts. This has caused a lot of damage on their destinies, dreams, plans and future. At times, this may happen due to peer pressure (influence from the friends around them).

As the future and hope of tomorrow we need to surround ourselves with positive ideas, thoughts, actions, behaviors, and friends, knowing fully well that “what we give to life is what you get in return”. “What goes around turns around”

I was recently told a story of a boy whose dream was to become a priest. This little boy has so much ambition and passion, towards his dream. During his secondary education, he met his primary school friend who introduced him to his friends.
They continued with their friendship. He continued working towards his dream, but due to the fact that his friends were making mockery of him, he started withdrawing from his target and dream. At last this boy ended his life as a cultist.

We need to amend our ways now that we are still young and healthy. Choose positive and ambitious friends who will bring out the best in you and not the worst in you. Start now to plan for your future and work towards it. Try to appreciate your God-given-talent. Your talent has the propensity of taking you to the next level.

As a wise person, sometimes we need to meditate within ourselves. Ask yourself questions like: how do I behave? Are my actions acceptable? Am I the type that exposes my secrets and plans to people who will discourage me and hinder the success of my dreams rather than help me? Do I have a plans? If I do, then how far have I gone with it? Who guides you? Apart from your parents, who do you receive advice from? That’s why the bible says “Show me your friend and I will tell you, who you are”.

The type of people you keep, determine the level of success you will achieve in life.
Also ask yourself questions concerning your friends. Are they doing well. Are they ambitious and optimistic? Do they have good plan for their lives?

As a man of vision and goal sometimes you set a goal, plan towards it, have plan A and plan B so that incase plan A fails you, plan B will not fail you, having two plans and working with both is a wise decision. “An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without plan”- Warren Buffett. Be disciplined in order to make the right decision just as Abraham Lincoln said; discipline goes with wisdom; you have to be wise in order to discipline yourself.

“Youthful age full of mistakes begets old age full of regrets”. It is better we correct our mistakes now that we are still young and strong. Tomorrow maybe too late, for time waits for no man. Time wasted is gone and you can never regain it.

Learn how to be wise, being wise is not all about civilization, rather it is all about having the ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations. It is also about experience, avoiding mistakes, learning from other people’s mistake, having control, speaking only at the right place and the right time, and thinking before acting or saying.

Be yourself. Don’t copy another, because he who copies another ends up living another persons’ life. It is only when you live your own life that life starts making meaning to you. Like the saying rightly goes with Anambra state shared value number four”, To do my best in all I do particularly the things I am naturally good at”. This should be your drive as a child, or a young adult who believes he can still make out things in life.

Be positive at all times and always remember that we are the future of tomorrow and if we fail to be the future of tomorrow, we become the failure of tomorrow. How our country will be tomorrow lies in our hands. I know that it is not easy but we keep on trying our best with what we have, we will end up getting a better life.
Remember, be the difference and be positive. Learn how to influence people positively, just as Anambra state shared, value number one says “To make a positive impact anywhere I go and anyone I meet.

Asuilim Casmir Chekwube


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