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Why We Are Partnering Agro Firm in Agricultural Transformation – Njikoka Council Boss

By Mmaduabuchi Onwumelu

The Transition Committee Chairman, Njikoka Local Government Area,Chief Clems Aguiyi,has stated the resolve of the council to partner an Agro-Allied Firm, Mmasinachi  Company Ltd in its transformative journey in the Agricultural Sector.

Speaking while receiving the Managing Director of the Firm,Hon Stephen Anigbogu,on a courtesy visit at the Council’s Secretariat, Abagana,he declared his intention to enter into partnerships to embark on massive agricultural projects to ensure food sufficiency.

While reiterating his readiness to provide technical support services,he enumerated other intervention measures to include, improved inputs,farm demonstration as well as training for farmers of the council.

He further announced plans to encourage youth participation,stimulate private sector investment and funding of agricultural practices.

According to the Chairman,   ‘We are building thousands of Shops in Oye Agu Abagana,Nkwo Enugu- Ukwu etc in addition to roads Construction. We are also taking up agriculture,Our Vision is for Njikoka LGA  to produce what we eat.

‘We want to make Food available and affordable.We also want to establish farmers Market .We will be Supporting Farmers in Njikoka to Produce more,we will partner with Mmasinachi Agro.

Responding,the MD Mmasinachi Agro Allied Company Ltd,Mr Stephen Anigbogu, thanked the Chairman for being Sensitive to the current food crisis in the State by bringing programs that will mobilize farmers in the local government back to farm.

While acknowledging contributions of the council in the area of provision of farm inputs and information support, he promised to deliver on the mandate given to him .


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