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Saying Goodbye to 2020…

There is nothing special about me. I am just the girl next door. I live a very simple life and have a simple daily routine. I am not exceptionally beautiful. I just look good in my own simple way. As a matter of fact, I have two sisters and they’re prettier than I am. I have seven siblings and one remarkable thing about my family is that we have ‘tall genes’. I come from a line of tall people. But guess what? I am the shortest in the family! Each time I take pictures with my sisters, I’m usually the one to stay in the middle because I’m the short one. And they have a good laugh each time I complain about being tired of being pushed in the middle all the time. You know, it’s been like that all these years. Funny enough, I seem to be the one to be easily noticed more than others. Yes. I am supposed to be the unassuming one, but you know what they say about the gold fish? Exactly! I have no hiding place. I have a very strong personality and wherever I go, it’s only natural I get noticed. It’s something I can’t help. Most times, I am loved because of it. Some other times, I am hated for it. But it’s something I can’t help and I’m not even about changing that part of me for all the tea in China! Our people call it akaraka. It’s my destiny. My way of life. It’s the way I was created. So, sometimes I feel bad that I’m always misunderstood and hated for no real reason other than the fact that I choose to be myself, but most of the time, I do not give a damn what people do with their emotions concerning my lifestyle. I choose to be happy always. I see myself as a star and will always twinkle wherever I am. I have no apologies for being that way.  That’s who I am. That’s who I will always be.

I have truly enjoyed love wherever I go, just like I have experienced hate too. Most times, people dislike me for just no reason. My only crime remains that I am unapologetic about being myself. I love to be happy. I love to wear this cheerful mien. I love to lock up my problems in a box and leave them behind each time I leave my home. I want to be free in my mind knowing that the world is mine to rule and conquer. That is pretty much my philosophy about life. To damn all consequences and live it full cycle no matter what cards it throws me. I remember reminiscing just a few days ago and remembered how much I have struggled these past few years as a young working mother with grown up children spread all over different universities and secondary schools and trying to get their education. It has not been easy.  I basically live life struggling to make ends meet and keep my family happy in the present day Nigeria. I am one of the women who reside at Onitsha but work at Awka, the state capital. It hasn’t been easy at all. In the past six years or so, I have embarked on this daily struggle every passing day. It really hasn’t been easy. In the first three years, I jumped buses to and fro work. Each time I got home, I felt like I was pounded in a mortar. You know, with the roads it just wasn’t easy. Then after I got my car, it became less cumbersome. I started to have less of the stress, but then, I can tell you that financially, it was yet another struggle. However, I trudged on, believing that life could only get better if I believed in Him who created me and gave me everything that made my life good.

Looking back now, 2020 came with so many challenges but I still came out strong, looking like I have already jumped the hurdles. I did write last week that if you count your blessings and name them one by one, you’ll be surprised how much God has blessed you. I feel truly blessed in spite of every blow that life dealt me this year. I feel and know that I am really in a good place. Having counted all my blessings and having been convinced of God’s goodness and faithfulness, I truly have my heart filled with love for Him. He really is faithful. December is here again and I welcome all our readers who have travelled all the way down east to spend their Christmas holiday with their families. I pray for God’s protection over you all as you travel down here. I remember all our friends who are here with us all these years, buying and reading Fides regularly. Your consistency has sustained us. May you never lack. Thank you so much. I remember the entire staff members of Fides Media Limited. We have been a family of love all these years, working together as one with the common goal of making Fides continue to stand out and grow like never before. Let’s keep doing this. I believe 2020 will end with all of us being alive to walk into the New Year alive and strong. To the management of this formidable establishment called Fides Media, I can only ask God to keep filling you with wisdom and understanding to keep steering her ship even better than you have. Four great priests in their own rights working together in one accord all these years are worth commending. Jisinu Ike. Fides has bloomed and blossomed under you guys and it can only get better in 2021. I thank all our subscribers all over the world for their patronage. You all have sustained us over the years and we couldn’t have come this far without you. God bless you all. To all the priests in the diocese who are friends of Fides Media and take us as their very own, God bless you all. It won’t be fair to mention names, but I just hope you all know we hold you really dear to our hearts. I acknowledge and indeed recognize My Lord Bishop, Most Rev Paulinus Ezeokafor and his auxiliary, His Lordship, Most Rev Jonas Benson Okoye. Chilunuanyi gaba ooo. The new kid on the bloc, Bishop Peter Okpaleke, amazing bishop of the newly created Ekwulobia diocese, I throwey salute, My Lord! May your cups of anointing continue to flow and may God’s grace continue to be upon you all. I particularly want to give a shout out to my colleagues in the News and Editorial Department of Fides Media. You guys are the best team to work with. You give me strength without knowing it. Your love for me is so easy to see and feel. Just to let u guys know I love you more. It’s Christmas in a few days and by the time you’ll be reading this, I’ll be in faraway Dubai, enjoying my Christmas Holiday. I hope you enjoy your Christmas Holiday too. I know things are really tough right now, but we are all alive to witness the 2020 yuletide and hopefully, we shall be there in body, soul and spirit to be part of the transition to the year 2021. That’s my prayer. See you all in 2021. Love you all. Cheers!


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