By Emeka Odogwu
Archbishop Ndukuba spoke at this year’s DIVCCON at Abuja. He spoke on two Collections done by the NUJ, St. Matthias collection and Advent Collection.
On Advent collection, the Primate revealed that funds raised from this collection are used to build their Conference Centre. He added that the perimeter fence of the Conference Centre has been completed and that work will soon begin on the main building.
On Church of Nigeria Collections, the Primate revealed that the Church has two general collections it makes in the year which are St. Matthias Collection and Advent Collection. On St. Matthias collection, the Primate said that it has become known as the St. Matthias Fund and it is usually collected every last Sunday in February. According to him, this fund is now being used to sponsor less privileged Dioceses. He revealed that as of now, not less than five Dioceses have been empowered with 10 million Naira each, annually.
On Advent collection, the Primate revealed that funds raised from this collection are used to build their Conference Centre. He added that the perimeter fence of the Conference Centre has been completed and that work will soon begin on the main building.
On a sad note, he announced the demise of Mrs. Rosemary Ohilebo, wife of the Bishop of Sabongidda-Ora Diocese, Right Reverend Augustine Ohilebo. He ended his charge by making prophetic declarations upon the nation, the Church and individuals.
Meanwhile, the Primate began his charge by greeting and appreciating everyone for making this 14th Edition of DIVCCON. He specially appreciated the DIVCCON coordinator, the Most Reverend Tunde Adeleye, as well as the Desk Officer, Ven. Owoeye, for their invaluable contributions to the success of this year’s DIVCCON. He also appreciated every hand that has been on deck for the success of the DIVCCON of this year.
Delivering his charge, the Primate reveals the aptness of the theme of the conference, which, according to him, is orchestrated by the fact that economically, security-wise, emotionally, and so on, we are under stress. He however, maintained that God remains their refuge in these troubled times. He declares that the God of Jacob will keep us. He exhorts all in the words of our Lord Jesus, “Let not your heart be troubled”, praying that they shall not be consumed.
Speaking further, the Primate pointed out that on the journey made by Jesus and His disciples as recorded in our text, Mark Chapter 4, verses 35 to 51, that they initially enjoyed peace, but that this peace later got distorted. He said this situation is common to every man on our pilgrim’s journey. He charged all that at such moments to always remember and acknowledge that “Christ is our peace”.
He emphasized that there is no better time than now to pray for peace in our country, which has been bedeviled by violence, insecurity, and the likes. He calls on all participants to give keen attention to all the activities of the conference in order to harness the gain of the conference. Citing Jesus’ attitude from the text of the conference, the Primate observes that while the storm was raging against them in the middle of the sea, Jesus was, however, very calm.
He explained that this calmness is significant because he expected them to exercise faith. Leaning on this, the Primate admonished that anxiety and impatience does not bring anything good except heart failure and other related sicknesses (Proverbs Chapter 4, verse 25, Matthew Chapter 6, verse 27).
He said the right attitude during times of storm is to call on Jesus whose voice every storm must obey. He charged all not to be anxious or afraid because in any situation the Lord has a soothing word.
Noticing that Jesus did not beg the situation but gave a command, the Primate prayed that God shall command all storms in our lives and nations to be still in Jesus’ Name. He called us to exercise faith in God who said that all things work together for our good. He revealed that God is still in control, no matter how things are now, and will never abandon us in the midst of the storm.
He agrees that challenges and adversities abound but that these are meant to draw us closer to God and not to destroy us. He said Jesus is asking us as he asked his disciples, “Why are you so afraid?”. He charged us to have faith and that when we do so we shall overcome.
He appreciated members of church in CANA for releasing themselves as the knees which God has reserved for himself. He encouraged them to be strong for the Lord. He asked for prayer for them and for all the bishops of the Church of Nigeria.
On the upcoming activities of the Church of Nigeria, the Primate announced that the Church of Nigeria will be hosting a world conference in 2025. He also announced that the next GAFCON will be hosted by the Church of Nigeria. The Primate revealed that the Church of Nigeria is making progress in media, sports, youth development and empowerment through the Joshua Generation International Conference.
He added that the Church of Nigeria has also taken initiatives in the Health Sector through the Church of Nigeria Health and Medical Mission. He urged the Archbishops and Bishops to assist in the implementation of the Church’s policies and activities.
The talk on the theme (part 1) was delivered by the Most Reverend Edmund Akanya. He started by appreciating the Primate for the opportunity given to him to minister at DIVCCON. He drew his talk from the conference text, Mark 4, verses 35-41. According to him, it is easier to express faith or claim to be courageous when situations are calm, but it is not so at challenging situations where we often witness a decline in faith.
He said, the disciples of Jesus Christ were men who have witnessed extraordinary miracles and demonstrations of power by Jesus Christ; but sadly, as they faced the challenge of the storm in the sea, these experiences could however not sustain them. He noted two key points on challenges.
That challenges are not meant to destroy us, but are necessary instruments to build us up.
We do not have quiet seas. Every sea rages and that the teaching that all becomes well when we give our lives to Christ, is a deception from the devil.
He said that Jesus had finished some work and needed to rest when the storm arose. But rather than go into panic or anxiety, he slept off. This, according to him, indicates that nothing can change Jesus’ plan. But that his plan must come to pass, no matter what the devil does.
Still speaking, Archbishop Akanya revealed that the disciples exercised fear even when they had often carried out fishing exercises in that same sea. This, he said, indicates the fact that relying on flesh through expertise and experience will always fail. He said that the disciples’ deliverance from the storm only came when they cried unto the Lord.
He therefore said that Christians must realize that God is with us always. And that we should call upon him any time there is a challenge. He condemned the attitude of today’s Christians who are prayerless and believe that the prayers of others through prayer houses and prayer contractors can help them, noting that God expects every Christian who has come of age to call on him directly.
He added that those who display this type of attitude are like adults who try to live on breast milk, a situation he describes as futile and ridiculous. He said that if we have personal relationship with Jesus, like the disciples who had him in their boat, we are sure of His help any time we call on Him. Emphasizing the need for Christians to make the necessary sacrifice to maintain a good relationship with God, Archbishop Akanya savd that Christianity without a cost will always lead to crisis.
He said the disciples couldn’t speak the words Jesus used to calm the storm because they were afraid. He encouraged Christians to use the word of God in all situations because God does not go against His word. He added that as Moses handed over the word of God to Joshua, God has handed over his word to us, which is relevant in all situations.
He admonished all to study and meditate on the word of God in order to harness the power and authority in it. (Joshua 1:8 Matthew 4:4) According to him, it is when we know what the word of God says about our situation that we can implement it in such situations.