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Imo Awka Festival, Still Defying Government?

Every year, at about this time, the people of the ancient Awka Town gather from far and near to celebrate their most cherished and important festival known as Imo Awka. The festival seems to enjoy more popularity among Awka People with each passing year. These days, canopies are mounted at strategic places, with live bands often playing as people dance and drink, to mark the festival.

Ordinarily, no one should begrudge Awka people the right to hold this festival or to enjoy it. After all, it is part of their culture. But what has caused misgivings among many people in the state is the seeming hijack of the festival each time by scallywags and even strangers who use the opportunity to foment trouble for passers-by, thus undermining the essence of such festivals.

Fights also often break out among those celebrating it, while cultists also often use the opportunity to target rivals. Accidents have also been known to happen as some of the youthful celebrants often crowd into one vehicle and cruise around town at top speed. If they are not falling off to their deaths from the vehicles, they are hitting people. It is equally for them, an opportunity to target perceived enemies and flog them.

For fear of what happens during this festival, schools are often shut during such days and some civil servants prefer to stay back rather than risk going to work and being attacked by the revelers. Many people also close their shops to avoid them being vandalized. These people usually block the major roads in the capital city of Awka and extort money from motorists; sometimes flogging those who refuse to oblige them.

All these have been bringing a bad name to the festival, prompting the government of the state and the security agencies to issue warnings against violent conduct. Indeed, ahead of the current festival, the State Police Command had warned those behind it to refrain from harassing people and generally constituting themselves into a nuisance. But this warning, like those before it, was not heeded as the revelers engaged in the very things they were warned against doing.

In view of the negative implications of this festival on the social and economic life of the state, one should have thought that the leadership of the community would have been able to check the activities of their youths involved in this. But it is apparent that those involved in this, listen to no one, including the government.

This is indeed a very bad development and doesn’t speak well of the state where a lot of educated and exposed people reside. For the umpteenth time, we call on the Awka Community to find a way of ensuring this celebration is conducted without harassment and intimidation. If well managed, it can even turn to a major tourist attraction as seen with the type done in Cross River State known as Calabar Carnival.

But sadly, it appears those involved will never learn and are not ready to learn or change their ways.


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