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Human Life International Conference Successfully Ends in Awka

By Bology John-Val

The Human Life International Conference, with the theme, “Reproductive Technologies and Respect for Human Dignity”, has ended in Awka, sparking important discussions and debates among the delegates. It lasted from April 13 to 16 204 at Archbishop Albert Obiefuna Pastoral and Retreat and Conference  Centre, Awka.

On the first day of the conference, 13th April, delegates from various seminaries, religious congregations and institutions, arrived and were warmly welcomed. Bar. Chizobar Nnagboh, the Pro-life director, set the tone for the conference by urging everyone to participate fully and thanking the sponsors and hosts for their support.

The pro-lifers Bigard Chapter also had a brief discussion, emphasizing the importance of representing not just themselves, but the larger community.

The second day which was 14th April, began with a morning prayer and Sunday Eucharistic Celebration, with a homily by Rev. Fr. Dominic Anyalagbuna emphasizing the importance of defending human life and dignity. The highlight of the day was the first conference on “NaproTECHNOLOGY; The Morally Acceptable Procreative Technology”, presented by Sr. Dr. Maria Paschalina Ezechukwu. Her presentation shed light on the History and effectiveness of NaproTECHNOLOGY in solving infertility while upholding moral standards. Questions, were asked by some members of the audience such as Barr. Chizobar Nnagboh, for seminarians and three student nurses, seeking clarifications and better understanding on the presented topic.

The following day, April 15, featured keynote addresses on the dignity of human pro-creation and the risks of Artificial Reproductive Technology. Rev. Fr. Dr. Patrick Abem and Dr. Philip Njemanze highlighted the ethical implications of various technologies and their impact on human dignity. Motivational speeches by Rev. Fr. Dr. George Adimike and Fr. Emmanuel Megwalu inspired delegates to become effective pro-lifers by embracing passion, focus, courage, and preparation.

The conference also addressed pressing issues such as the threat of Boko Haram terrorism in capturing Nigeria’s food security, through GMO seeds. Opportunities were given for questions in order to gain clarification and better understanding.

Also, delegates participated in workshops, shared their pro-life testimonies, and made recommendations for future action and better promotion of the cause.

As the conference drew to a close on the final day, April 16, delegates gathered for morning Mass, breakfast, and departed with renewed commitment to promoting human life and dignity.

The discussions and interactions throughout the conference will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the pro-life community.


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