By Pat Amobi Chukwuma
God is the Supreme Being. He has no rival. He is omnipotent and omnipresent. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He has neither a beginning nor an end. He is your Creator and my Creator. He is the wonderful God. I doff my cap for Him and prostrate before Him.
Satan was a faithful Angel of God. After some time, he was intoxicated with pride. Pride, they say, goes before a fall. He conspired with a group of Angels to rebel against the Almighty Father. He wanted to insert leg in the same trouser with God. God does not tolerate rivalry. The leader of the fallen Angels became known as Satan or Lucifer. Archangel Michael led the Army of the faithful Angels to expel Satan and his fellow conspirators from heaven. From then, Satan transferred his warfront in this world and started fighting against humanity. If I were present by then, I would have asked Archangel Michael to send Satan and his co-fallen angels to another planet to stay alone there, so that we human beings can drink and hang up our cups in peace.
On one cool evening, I embarked on my routine physical road-walk exercise. I came across an unfamiliar young man. We exchanged pleasantries. I asked about his name. He answered, “My name is Godwin?” Inquisitively I enquired further, “Why are you called Godwin?” He smiled and replied, “It is because God has won me over entirely.” He asked me my own name. I told him, “My name is Amobiwin. Therefore, we are both winners in the Lord.” He asked me to accompany him to the Winners Chapel where he worships. I declined the invitation by telling him that I have the Eucharistic Chapel in my parish where I worship. He said, “Okay. I am a winners and you are also a winners. Praise the Lord!” I began to sing: “We are the winner; winner in the Lord Jesus!!!” The two of us started dancing it out. Laughter and joy strangled us as we walked away in opposite directions.
Moving few poles away, I met an abnormal middle-aged man walking alone. At first, I was frightened as I saw his fierce countenance. As we came closer to each other, the adrenaline of courage filled my heart. I stood before him and saluted, “Good evening. How are you?” He replied with bulging red eyes, “I am bitter and looking for someone to kill.” Immediately, I made the Sign of the Cross and shouted, “Blood of Jesus cover me!” I mustered courage and asked, “Please what is your name?” He replied fiercely, “My name is Satanwin. If you do not get away now, I shall win you over to Satan my master.” I turned back sharply to look for Godwin to rescue me.
As I was walking quickly towards Godwin, little did I know that Satanwin was following me closely behind. I hurried and grasped Godwin. Satanwin tried to pull me away to his side. I resisted with all my strength. Swiftly, Satanwin hit Godwin on his forehead. A fierce fight ensued between the two. Circumstance made me the referee. In a twinkling of an eye, Godwin carried Satanwin shoulder high and hit him on a concrete floor. His waist was shattered. I blew my whistle very loud and raised the hand of Godwin as the winner. Up, up Jesus! Down, down Satan!
Last week I traveled to Enugu for a humanitarian purpose. I commended my journey into God’s hand through ardent prayer. Initially, my journey was smooth. I was driving happily with gospel music at the background. Suddenly I noticed that the throttle of my car was no more responding. By then I was on a sloppy lonely road. Using tactics as a silver jubilee driver, I allowed the vehicle to roll down. I was praying to reach a busy area before it stops. Just a pole after a police check-point, it stopped finally on a level road. I brought out the red triangle signals and placed one in front of the car and the other at the back. That place was the centre of men of the underworld due its loneliness. Hence a police check-point was mounted there. I approached one of the policemen with a rifle in his hands. I told him that my vehicle broke down. Instead of sympathizing with me, he chided me for passing over them without oiling their hands. Hence he ignored my plea for assistance and told me that they were even moving away. They left instantly. I saw Satanwin jubilating. I made the Sign of the Cross and went back to my broken vehicle to wait for my fate in the bushy lonely place. After few minutes, a car drove past me and drew back. My breath failed me. However, the female occupant was very familiar. She volunteered to go and get a mechanic for me. Immediately she left, some good Nigerians in a commercial bus stopped as they saw me stranded in clerical gown beside the broken car. The driver of that bus asked me what was wrong. I narrated my ordeal to him. In a twinkling of an eye, he opened the bonnet and replaced the separated throttle cable back to its position. He instructed me to turn the ignition on and to kick the engine. I did so and the car began to move again. God won. I thanked and blessed the Godwin that came to my assistance. As he was departing, behold the other female Godwin was driving opposite me with a mechanic. I appreciated her sacrifice despite her tight schedule. I drove with the mechanic to his shop at Four-corner junction to fulfill all righteousness. God won. Satan lost.
We are all children of God, created in the image and likeness of God. The Creator wants us to love Him and to serve Him on earth and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. Since Satan dwells also in the world, we engage him in daily battle. Either God wins or Satan wins. The choice is ours. That is why Saint Paul admonishes us, “Be calm but vigilant because your enemy, the devil is prowling round like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Stand up to him in faith and prayer” (1 Peter 5:8-9). God endowed us with the gift of freedom of choice. We can choose good or evil. Therefore, we are either Godwin or Satanwin. When we prefer good to evil, then God wins. But when we choose evil, then Satan wins. Godwin means the friend of God. On the other hand, Satanwin means the friend of Satan. Are you a friend of God or a friend of Satan? By their fruits you know who is who.
There was a couple who got a set of twin boys. One was yellow in complexion while the other was as black as coal. They named them Godwin and Satanwin respectively. When the latter grew up, he killed his parents for their wickedness in giving him Satanwin as name. When he was arrested and arraigned in court, he argued that he killed his parents because Satan is a wicked killer. And when he kills, he wins. The learned judged discharged and acquitted Satanwin for his intelligence. Later, he changed his name from Satanwin to Saintwin.
Saint Paul says, “He who does not work should not eat” (2 Thess. 3:10). He or she who eats without working is either a thief or a cheat. Whoever steals gives glory to Satan. You can also steal with the pen by financial dishonesty. One can also steal through bribery and corruption. Examination malpractice is also theft. Anyone who passes examination in flying colours through any form of malpractice is Satanwin. But if one succeeds through dint of hard work, then he or she is Godwin. Greed is the brother of stealing. Embezzlement of public fund is theft. Satan wins when we are dishonest.
Satanwin is rampaging seriously in our country Nigeria today through Boko Haram terrorism, bloody herdsmen, kidnapping, banditry and armed robbery. The most intriguing rampage is the stealing of female used pants all over the country as a result of high rate of unemployment. Few days ago in Ebonyi state, two female corpers were given a lift in a jeep by two men. On their way, the driver diverted to somewhere else with the pretense of collecting something. Stopping at a lonely place, the two criminals ordered the two female corpers at gun point to remove their pants and handover to them. Pitifully, one of the corpers was on her monthly period. They collected both her pants and her soaked sanitary pad and sped away. It is alleged that the pant thieves use those pants for money making rituals. It is not certain what happens to the female victims. Because of this satanic trend nowadays, some women go about without pants. Some who wear pants lock the pants around their waists with heavy chains and padlocks with the keys kept at home. I recommend that all women should pray seriously over their pants and sprinkle them with Holy Water before putting them on. Also they should avoid taking lift. By so doing, they become Godwin.
Few days ago, the sad news of the death of the little Christian girl, Leah Sharibu, abducted from her school in Dapchi a year ago went viral on social media. Many people, including my humble self, wept bitterly. Some hours later on that same day, the Federal Government announced that the sad news was false. They assured us that she is still alive. God will win if she is rescued alive to rejoin her parents and siblings who have been shedding tears for a year now. But if Leah is not rescued and later confirmed dead, then Satan wins. God forbid! Godwin, please come to the aid of Leah Sharibu!
The unilateral decision by President Buhari to suspend the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen, without due process is the work of Satanwin. It is unconstitutional. If the National Judicial Council rises to the occasion to rescue the Judiciary from dictatorship, then God wins. If the contrary is the case, then Satan wins. What will be the hope of the common man? This is a litmus test for the Nigerian Judiciary, which is an independent Arm of Government.
The 2019 General Elections are in progress. The Presidential and National Assembly elections have just been concluded. The results are being awaited. The governorship and state House of Assembly elections come up on 2nd March. Any politician who is victorious through any form of rigging is Satanwin. But anyone who wins through transparent, free, fair and credible election is Godwin. Satan wins when one buys or sells votes. Satanwin snatches ballot box. He announces fake election result. He influences the security officers into partisanship. He employs touts to cause violence. He changes figures between the polling booth and the collation centre. He bribes INEC officials into doing his biddings by rigging. He refuses to accept defeat when the election is clearly free, fair and credible. Whom would you vote for as you go to the polls: Godwin or Satanwin?