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Fulton Sheen Being Declared Blessed Plays Well in Peoria

Pope Francis on July 6, 2019, moved Archbishop Fulton Sheen a step closer to Sainthood when he declared him Blessed. The announcement played well in Peoria, Illinois, where Sheen’s cause is being advanced.

People Bishop Daniel Jenky had a simple reaction: “overwhelming joy.” This next step toward Sainthood came with the approval by the Vatican of a miracle attributed to Sheen.

In 2010, in central Illinois, an infant was born with no signs of life. The baby remained lifeless for 61, while family and friends prayed to the former archbishop to intercede on the childn’s behalf. Just as doctors were ready to give up, the baby’s heart starting beating; the infant went home a few weeks later and has grown into a healthy child. The Church has credited Sheen with the miracle.

The date for the beatification has not been set – but it will be held in Peoria. The diocese is already planning the event and has a website where details will be presented when available.


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