By Mercy Hill & Precious Ukeje
The remains of late Mrs. Francisca Nwazuluahu Obianisi, mother of Reverend Father Livinus Obianisi, were interred at her country home in Adazi Nnukwu, March 19, 2020, after a burial mass at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Adazi-Nnukwu, Anaocha Local Government Area, Anambra State.
She was also eulogized by the Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Awka, the Church and her children as one who led a peaceful life, a giver and one who exhibited uncommon leadership traits in all facets of her life when she lived.
Speaking at the concelebrated burial Mass at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Adazi Nnukwu, the Most Rev. Okoye, condoled with Fr. Livinus Obianisi and members of his family over the death of their mother, who he described as one who had so much belief in God and much concern for His service and humanity.
The Catholic Prelate who culled his reflection from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, noted that, there was time for everything under the earth.
‘There was a time to live and time to die, for peace and for war and also a time to plant and to reap,’ he said this while extolling Christians to be mindful of how they lived and to be prepared, for they know not what time it would be.
He added the simple tips for good Christian living were hospitality, love and concern for one another, peaceful co-existence as well as faithfulness in the worship of God, noting that Unoenu exhibited all of these in her lifetime.
Speaking on the Corona Virus pandemic and its accompanied fears and death in the world, Bishop Okoye advised that people should adhere to the health tips provided by the health agencies and most importantly, reconcile themselves with God.
In a tribute read by the deceased’s clergy son, Rev. Fr. Obianisi, he described her as an excellent wife, a great mother, a fantastic cook, an astute business woman, a courageous woman, a successful farmer and a very devoted Christian. He added that she was very honest, trustworthy which spelt the reason for being entrusted with the treasury of most organisations she belonged to.
He reiterated that there was a season for everything on the face of the earth. He added that the gathering in honour of his late mother was for everyone to acknowledge and share in the joy that her life brought and also, the pain of her passing away.
Acknowledging that Unoenu was 80 years when she died, sixteen days after her birthday celebration, he said he was in total denial of her passing. Added that he struggled to participate in the funeral arrangement because part of him refused to accept that his mother had passed on.
He thanked everyone who put hands on deck to deliver what he described as putting a great job together and arranging for the funeral.
He noted that as the reality of Unoenu’s death dawned on him, he found solace in the legacy of her life and perseverance. He added that the way she touched their life would remain forever, even though she was no more.
Recounting his experience while growing up, he said Late Mrs. Obianisi did her best to bring them where they ought to be, despite the tough time he and his siblings gave her as children. He stressed that all the organisations she served would always testify of her quality leadership and that his mother accepted all that she could not change in her life.
Speaking to Fides, Unoenu’s only daughter, Mrs. Judith Nwadialor, described her as someone who never liked trouble, but known as a peacemaker. This, she said, was the reason many persons turned up for her funeral. She further described her as a good leader and someone who was worth emulating.
On the lessons she learned from her mother, she said she was a giver and she learned that from her, adding that she would miss a lot about her.
Mama’s first son, Mr. Philip Obianisi, said that his mother in her life time was a versatile leader who led so many groups. He added that she lived a good life and reiterated that it was the reason many organisations, including the Catholic Women Organisation attended her funeral en-masse.
Speaking on lessons from her, he said that her receptive disposition and great leadership qualities were things to hold on to and added that the Bitter leaf soup mama always made for him when he came around and the talk time he always had with her were things he would miss pending his Unoenu’s demise.
Late Obianisi, was born 5th August, 1939 in Adazi Nnukwu. She started her primary school education at Practicing School, Adazi Nnukwu, formerly known as the Holy Rosary School in 1945. She was withdrawn from school to engage in some vocational training, which was then the most preferred trend for most parents who prepared their teenage daughters for marriage. In 1961, she married Late John Obianisi and was blessed with 9 children (8 sons and 1 daughter) but two had returned to heaven (Linus and Matthew).
She died on 17th January, 2020, sixteen days after her birthday celebration on 1st January 2020. Unoenu, as she was popular called was survived by her grandchildren and seven children namely: Mr. Philip, Rev. Fr. Dr. Livinus, Mr. Jude, Mr. Ignatius, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Peter and Mrs. Judith Nwadialor.