By Fr Pat Amobi Chukwuma
By Divine ordinance, my nativity fell on the first day of April, which is globally observed as April Fools’ Day. Thus by human calculation I was born a fool. In other words, my nativity and foolishness are interwoven. Some of my associates call me an April fool boy in those days. Now, I have turned into April fool adult. I do not quarrel with it. That is my natural destiny.
However, I did not remain at the level of foolishness. I moved higher. An author, Joel Osteen, says, “Too many people settle for mediocrity in their thoughts, attitudes or actions. It’s time to put off those negative mind-sets and rise higher” (Become a Better You, New York, 2007, page xiv).
Furthermore, the author specified seven steps of becoming a better you: (1) Keep pressing forward (2) Be positive toward yourself (3) Develop better relationship (4) Form better habits (5) Embrace the place where you are (6) Develop your inner life (7) Stay passionate about life. As if I had a premonition of the above steps, I sought for wisdom to dilute the inborn foolishness in me. Through my philosophical and theological studies in the seminary and personal ingenuity, I became a wise fool.
I celebrated my 40th Birthday in faraway Germany (Deutschland) in 2003. It was a memorable ‘Geburtstag’ (Birthday). It began with ‘Danke-schoen Messe’ (Thanksgiving Mass) in our house chapel (Haus Kapelle) beside my school Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar, Deutschland.
I concelebrated with the Pallotine white priests and brothers in the house. Father Godofrey Owona of the blessed memory, my friend from Cameroon was also there. May he rest in peace! During ‘Abend Mahl’ (supper), we ate and drank on my behalf. We toasted wine with the slang “Zum Wohl” (To my well-being).
The German priests asked me its equivalent in Igbo language. I told them: “Ogologo ndu.” They attempted to pronounce it, but all to no avail. One of them nearly bit off his tongue, after which he shouted, “Nein! Schwierig!” (No! Difficult!”). Indeed, language is a great barrier for neophytes. When I arrived newly in Deutschland, I was deaf and dumb for some time before I started to understand and speak the language.
A decade ago I celebrated my Golden Birthday gracefully as the Cathedral Administrator of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Awka in Anambra State. Implicitly, I did not end up in becoming a fool at 40; rather I became a wise fool at 40 and then graduated in wisdom at 50. I marked my Golden Birthday with a book collection titled “The Golden Fool: My Birthday Gift.”
The front cover bears the photograph of my lovely mother carrying me as an infant on her laps. The foolish baby has now grown into a wise adult. To God be the glory! Later, I compiled some of my Wit’s Corner write-ups into two voluminous books titled “The Wisdom of April Fool” Volumes 1 and 2. They are interesting to be read in memory of a wise fool.
Our country Nigeria became an independent Nation on 1st October 1960. By that time, I was still in existing in the Platonic World of Ideas. By then God was speculating over my creation. I was born when Nigeria became a Republic in 1963. I added another feather as a Republican baby.
In the Jubilee Year of 2000 A.D. Nigeria marked her 40th Independence Anniversary as a toddler. Is a toddler at 40 not a fool forever? Now, at 63, she is still unable to run; even walking is a big ‘wahala’. Her nursing fathers and mothers from Independence till now did not help matters. Instead of growing, she suffers from acute retardation by the powers that be. Is there any prospect of a dwarf at 63 growing tall?
A person at the age of 63 is already approaching retirement and nearing his or her grave. “Which way Nigeria is heading to?” sang Sonny Okosun many years ago. If Nigeria dies, will she rest in peace or in pieces? God save us!
The number 40 is a symbol of fullness or greatness. It is also a symbol of accomplishment. It is the bridge between youthfulness and old age. Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai in the presence of God. Probably, God fed him with bread from heaven which kept him bouncing with vitality. After the 40 days divine encounter, God handed over to him the Decalogue calved in a stone tablet.
As a result of the Israelites apostasy, he angrily threw it down at the foot of the mountain. It broke into pieces. He grinded the golden calf worshipped by the people he left behind and mixed it in water and made all to drink it as punishment for their apostasy.
The Messiah of mankind, Our Lord Jesus Christ, fasted in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. As God made Man, he felt hungry afterwards. The Devil seized the rare opportunity to tempt him in various ways. Being focused at his messianic mission, he overcame him (the devil). By the way, is Satan a man or a woman?
The Lenten period annually lasts for 40 days. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter. A successful 40-day Lent leads to joyful Easter. No Lent, no Easter! No sweat, no sweet! No good works, no Heaven!
On Saturday, 16 November 2024, the able and industrious Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, His Lordship, Most Reverend Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor, celebrated his 40th Priestly Ordination Anniversary. I was there in body and spirit. He was my Bishop and mentor. I served God through him, when he appointed me as the Cathedral Administrator of St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish Awka (2010 – 2016).
He is the actual Parish Priest of the Cathedral. I administered in his name. He is a good man and a worthy high priest of God to work with. If there is reincarnation, I shall work under him again. He is a native of Nanka in Orumba North Local Government of Anambra State. He was born when his age mates were born. He was ordained a Catholic priest 40 years ago.
Father Paulinus was incardinated into Awka Diocese. He served as parish priest of All Saints Catholic Church Awgbu, when it was one-town parish. He left an indelible mark of apostolate there. From there, he was transferred to St John’s Catholic Church, Neni, when the parish was still a giant. Now, she has been divided into six parishes. From Neni, Father Paulinus was sent to Rome for further theological studies. He studied successfully and came back with Doctorate Degree.
As a refined product, he was made the Rector of St Dominic Savio Seminary, Akpu in then Awka Diocese. The reward of good work is more work. His priestly ingenuity as an excellent formator and developer took him higher to St John Bosco Seminary, Isuaniocha where he stamped his footprints. Before he could settle down there properly, the searchlight from Rome beamed on him as Auxiliary Bishop Elect of Awka Diocese.
In 2007 he was ordained a bishop. As Auxiliary Bishop, he made a good mark. Incidentally, when the Diocesan Bishop, Simon Akwali Okafor, retired due to ill-health, Awka Diocese was declared as “Sede Vacante” (Vacant Seat). Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor became the Apostolic Administrator of Awka Diocese. By this time, Bishop Ezeokafor appointed me as the Cathedral Administrator of St Patrick’s Cathedral.
My priest colleagues thus referred to Bishop Ezeokafor as AA while they referred to me as CA. By God’s grace AA and CA joined hands in prayer and apostolate. The People of God also flashed God daily in intercessory prayer over the vacancy. Consequently, the heaven opened and Bishop Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor was appointed the substantial Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese in 2011.
The Angels of God and the people of Awka Diocese rejoiced greatly. Since then till date, Bishop Ezeokafor has transformed Awka Diocese into an enviable Diocese spiritually, structurally and educationally. As we rejoice at his 40th Priestly Anniversary, we await his Golden Jubilee in a decade.
Jesus Christ was crucified under Pontus Pilate. Under Bishop Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor, Peter University Achina-Onneh was established. Under him, Ekwulobia Diocese was created on 5 March 2020. He paved way for Bishop Peter Ebere Okpaleke to be appointed the first Bishop of the daughter of Awka Diocese. Within a short time, Pope Francis created Bishop Okpaleke a Cardinal. Long Live Awka Diocese! Long Live Bishop Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor! Long Live Ekwulobia Diocese! Long Live His Eminence, Peter Ebere Cardinal Okpaleke! Long Live Pope Francis! To God be the glory!!!