. . . Installs Patron and Patroness
By Chioma Ndife
Sequel to the wrong perception among youths on what love entails, the Catholic Youths Organization of Nigeria, SS Peter & Paul Parish, Nise, has organized a love feast to underscore the true meaning of love and guild the youths towards observance of true love.
The love feast held at SS Peter & Paul Parish Hall, Nise, Awka South LGA, Anambra State, on Sunday, February 16, was part of the activities put in place by the parish CYON to teach youths the meaning of true love and celebrate 2020 feast of St. Valentine, the Saint known for Love.
The celebration of the lovefeast featured talk titled ‘To Love is to Give’ presented by the Deanery Chaplin, Rev. Fr. Jude Ozumba and installation of Comdr. Francis Obi and Mrs. Nkechi Udala as patron and patroness of the Association in order to assist in mentoring the members.
Speaking to Fides, the Parish Priest of SS Peter and Paul’s Parish, Arah Nise, Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nwankiti, explained that the programme was aimed at helping the youths to have a comprehensive view of what true love entailed within the Christian contest and as Christ intended the meaning to be. He noted that love has to do with giving, self-emulation which he said was the sacrificial aspect of love.
He said that the sacrificial aspect of what true love entails was well captioned in the lecture delivered by the CYON Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Jude Ozumba. He beckoned on youths to follow strictly the teaching which they had been receiving from the Church as it relates to matters of love, saying that following the church directives brings no heart breaks which most people had been complaining of. He maintained that love ultimately was sacrifice and disclosed that Christ demonstrated a greater degree of love by sacrificing himself for his enemies and others who were not aware of who Christ was.
He said that the youths should be ready to sacrifice time, resources and skill in demonstration of love, noting that Love cannot be captioned or seen outside God because God is Love and Love is God. He stated that love has the capacity of reducing societal vices as it doesn’t operate in a vacuum but rather captioned between relationship within people and the human society. He described vices as an aggression, an offence, violation and injustice against another and maintained that when youths capture the meaning of true love in the nature of Christ, tendency to engage in vices would be dropped totally.
Also speaking, the CYON President of SS Peter & Paul Parish, Nise, Mr. Vincent Okpala, said that the programme was part of the effort of CYON to imbibe in the youths what true love was and to handle issues that emerged during courtship. He disclosed that the programme created avenue for the youths to express themselves in the things which they were good at.
In an address of welcome, the President, Vincent Okpala pinpointed the various activities which the organization has been carrying to ensure proper grooming of the youths. He explained that the installation of the patron and patroness was for the youths to have a mentor figure which would assist in spiritual growth of the members.
The newly crowned Miss CYON, Miss Chidera Ezchazu, said that her emerge as the queen came as a surprise to her and promised to assist in fostering the spirit of togetherness, unity and promote mutual understanding among the youths for them to develop Christ like type of friendship.
Couple dance for parents, Mr/ Miss CYON Contest, dance competition, cutting of cake, exchange of gifts and presentation of certificates were the highpoints of the event that witnessed massive presence of youths from Nise Community.