Buhari and the Blood Pact


By Jude Atupulazi

Ahead of the 2011 general elections, a certain Muhammadu Buhari had threatened that the monkey and baboon would be soaked in blood if the results failed to go as he expected. Some Nigerians, if not many, thought little of his threat. Even the then Federal Government of former President Goodluck Jonathan didn’t think much of it either. They must have dismissed it as the ranting of a frustrated candidate. But they realized their mistake soon after the election when Buhari made good his threat. Scores of innocent Nigerians, including many youth corps members who worked as INEC ad-hoc staff in the elections, lost their lives in the ensuing mayhem. No doubt, Buhari’s incendiary comments before the elections had served their purpose.

By the time you read this, the presidential election may or may not have been over. More than likely, you will be glued to your television or radio sets monitoring the situation reports, hoping and praying that your candidate will win. If you are able to do any of this, it means you are lucky to still be alive. Why?

Just before the presidential election, Buhari had once again set a time bomb by directing soldiers and the police to virtually shoot and kill anyone found carting away ballot boxes. Coming at a time when tensions and emotions were high, there was no way anyone wouldn’t see it as another attempt by a man who hates to lose to trigger another orgy of bloodletting across the land.

After hearing about his order to the armed forces, I immediately imagined a scenario where some soldier or policeman would shoot and kill a suspected electoral offender and trigger a violent reprisal from other members of the public, which in turn could lead to more people being shot in the ensuing fracas; all because their president elected to circumvent the law by encouraging jungle justice.

But looking at Buhari and his actions these days, one will not fail to spot the inconsistencies of the man. These inconsistencies, which have also been the hallmark of his party, the APC, have tended to stop the people from believing him. Going through the social media these days, one sees how Buhari and his party are daily flayed and caricatured. To say they have become the butt of serious jokes is to put it lightly.

These social media posts have been doing the job for the opposition party; tackling the ruling APC and tasking them. One of such was the one that addressed Buhari’s order to soldiers and police to shoot on sight. Let me share it with you briefly:
He didn’t order Boko Haram to be killed ruthlessly….

He didn’t order Fulani herdsmen to be killed bombastically…

Sensing a massive DEFEAT, he angrily ordered Nigerians, electorate to be killed.
Killing is not the deterrent measure for ballot box snatchers according to our law, Mr Blood sucker and his zombie followers…

Declaring death for ballot snatching should automatically end PMB’s contract with Nigerians.
You were in govt for almost 4 years and you couldn’t reform our electoral system. The National Assembly comprising all political parties, including your own party men, amended the Electoral Act, you refused to infuse your own ideas but returned same unsigned, only for you to declare death for ballot snatching few days to election.

If you have a child that is stubborn, is death the only corrective measure that could be meted to correct such unusual behavior?

Must PMB instigate bloodletting in every election he participates in?

Same man who prefers to talk to Nigerians through foreign media now becomes eloquent few days to election?

PMB, you are indeed a bad leader. Nigerians don’t deserve you AGAIN!

Akpabio said Akwa Ibom will get the “Warsaw” experience

El-Rufai promised international observers body bags

Amaechi asked Rivers people to prepare for war

The incorrigibly incompetent BOO-hari has ordered the NPF to kill voters

The APC is a brood of vipers thirsty for blood!”

Never again! Good Nigerians who want good future for coming generations say;

NO! NO!! NO!!! TO BUHARI AGAIN. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Going through the above piece, one sees the level of rejection Nigerians have for Buhari and his APC owing to their penchant for stirring trouble. The question remains why a president should always be associated with bloodletting. Indeed, apart from the events of 1966 and the ensuing civil war, Nigeria has never experienced such bloodletting as she has now under the watch of Buhari. To worsen an already bad situation, he continues to fan the embers of anarchy and chaos.

Buhari’s directive to the armed forces to deal ruthlessly with electoral offenders, rather than asking them to arrest such people and charge them to court, is certainly something that will cause unwanted problems, just as just it once again exposes his double standards. How can the same man who refused to put pen to paper to approve electoral reforms as put forward by the national assembly turn round to prescribe a death penalty for an electoral offence and in an extra judicial manner?

Is it not under this man that a certain Gov El-Rufai threatened to kill foreign observers and send their bodies back to their countries in body bags?

It just seems as though Buhari and his men love the smell and sight of blood. This is why most Nigerians are right now kneeling in prayers and wishing and hoping that he doesn’t return. If Buhari’s victory in 2015 was a kind of punishment to us by God, we plead that he pardons us now and remove this cup from us.

It is my prayer, hope and wish that when INEC eventually declares the winner of the presidential election, it will be any other person and not Buhari. But if somehow, he manages to return, then God should protect us from the renewed onslaught of herdsmen which is bound to double.

Indeed, if they could be tolerated by Buhari in his first tenure when he was looking forward to having our votes, is it now that he won’t be needing our votes that he will stop tolerating and protecting them? This is why many Nigerians are right now united in prayers, willing this man to go and become part of history.

As I once stated here, my support for Atiku isn’t because he is the best. It is because he is the only person in the mix of presidential aspirants that has the structure to challenge and beat Buhari. From what we have all seen in Buhari’s first tenure, anyone who replaces him can’t be worse.

Besides being clueless, Buhari is intolerant of people’s religion and ethnicity. These have been seen from the lopsided nature of his appointments.

He’s also demonstrated his lack of regard for human life, a disposition that encouraged sacred cows to kill and maim others and go scot free. We have had enough. Thus, I pray to God to remove this cup from us and give us a leader that will at least recognize that we’re human beings, recognize that we are Nigerians, recognize that our lives are important and above all, set machinery in motion to restructure the country and place all ethnic groups on equal footing, with each developing at their own pace.

Is it such a big thing to ask? I think not.

So let’s be ready to resist any attempt to unlawfully retain Buhari in office. Fears before the election were that the election would be rigged. I had always told those expressing such fears to vote first and let Atiku win. If Buhari refuses to acknowledge defeat, there are people who have the capacity to fight that. In this kind of scenario, the truth will always prevail.

For the soldiers and police who may carry out the order to kill people, they should know that no condition is permanent. During the Third Reich when Hitler reigned supreme, men of the Waffen SS and the Gestapo did as they pleased. Their excuse was that they were carrying out orders. But at the end of the war, some of them were tried, found guilty of war crimes and hanged and this was after Hitler himself took his life. It brought to an end the reign of the world’s most horrible leader.

So in the present Nigerian situation, let those who may want to waste human life under any guise remember Hitler and what happened to his boys. The blood of the innocent always cries out to the high heavens and ultimately, God hears such cries.

Nigeria belongs to Nigerians; not to some cabal. Human life should be held sacred and those that thirst for blood should know better. As we therefore await developments in the wake of the presidential election, let us commit the nation into God’s hand.


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