Archbishop Ibezim Charges Youths to Emulate Repentant Prodigal Son for Bright Future


By Michael Nnebife

The atmosphere at Our Saviour’s Anglican Church, Awka, was a mixture of great solemnity with little fanfare on Sunday 9 June as the youths of the church joined their counterparts across the Diocese of Awka to mark the 2024 Youth Sunday, with the theme, ”I will arise and go back to my Father”.

The parents of the youths and the entire congregation of the church spared no chance to take the opportunity provided by the special Sunday to swing into a spiritual warfare for a divine intervention against what they believed as the devil rampaging today’s youths through cultism, neo-paganism, get-rich-quick syndrome, among other social vices.

Speaking, the Archbishop, Province of the Niger and Bishop, Diocese of Awka, Most Revd Alexander Ibezim, charged the joy-filled youths to make a bold decision now to return to God.

The Archbishop Ibezim was frank with the Anglican Youths in his admonition for them on the beneficial pathway to follow for their salvation.

‘My dear young flock, the decision you make today can make you or mar you. The Prodigal Son rose from the choice he made which nearly led him towards destruction.

‘I, your Archbishop and father, charge you to rise from the deep slumber of worldly life, sin, laziness, lustful desire, idol worship, drug addiction, get-rich-quick syndrome and lies.

‘As youths who wish to return to the father, you need to do the following: One, have the understanding that you are not where you are supposed to be. So, make up your mind and return to God.

‘Two, seek God and allow the word of God to direct you.

‘My dear young flock, let your past lives convict you, then you will live a new life and go back to your Father in repentance,’ Ibezim advised the youths.

Recalling the unflinching commitment of Awka Diocese to young people as the future of the Diocese, Archbishop Ibezim urged the youths to take advantage of Paul University, Renaissance Polytechnic, among other institutions of the Diocese, to keep themselves educated.

The Archbishop, whose message was presented by the Vicar in charge of Our Saviour’s Church, the Revd Canon Azubuike Mgbikeh, appreciated God for His infinite mercies, which, he said, had been seeing the youths through in the challenges of life, wide injustice, and insecurity pervading Nigeria.

Revd Canon Mgbikeh, who noted that devil targeted young people to ruin their lives, advised them to avoid ungodly social media spaces like a plague.

Mgbikeh also extended his admonition to parents, emphasizing the need for them to live a godly life worthy of emulation by the youths.

Prayers for political and religious leaders in Nigeria and Awka Diocese, respectively, thanksgiving and rededication of the youths to God, as well as a special rendition by the youths featured in the special service.


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