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Anambra CSDA Engages Committee Members on CSDP-AF Implementation

. . . Trains Committees for Microprojects Implementation

By Uche Amunike

Anambra State Community and Social Development Agency (ANCSDA) is an Agency set up to promote and implement development activities at the grassroots level. The Agency is currently implementing World Bank Assisted Community and Social Development Project- Additional Financing (CSDP-AF) in the state which aims at poverty reduction in rural communities using Community Driven Development (CDD) approach.

ANCSDA have organized a 2-day training workshop for all the Community Project Management Committee (CPMC) and Subcommittee members of six (6) focal communities in the state whose Community Development Plan (CDP) were recently approved for implementation by the World bank. The six communities involved were OromaEtiti (Anambra West LGA), Igbakwu (Ayamelum LGA), Ebenebe, Mgbakwu, Awba-Ofemili and Ugbene (Awka North LGA). This set of CPMC and Subcommittee training formed the second set of such trainings to be organized by ANCSDA since it became effective in the state on August 1st, 2018 having undertaken such training for the approved CDPs of the first set of 10 focal communities late last year. A total of 87 participants were in attendance at the Training sessions which aimed at building their capacity and technical knowledge to be able to implement the micro projects effectively and efficiently in their various communities.

In his opening remarks and presentations at the Training workshop, the General Manager, ANCSDA, Mr Chudi Mojekwu, welcomed all the participants present and advised them to be very attentive and participate actively in all the presentations in order to gain good knowledge for themselves and for their communities. The day 1 event of the Training sessions witnessed presentations from various resource persons on the following topics namely Overview of CSDP-AF/CDD concept, the Roles and Responsibilities of CPMCs Members in the community, Key issues in CDP Formulation, Gender and Vulnerable Issues Mainstreaming in CSDP, Financial Management, Training on Book Keeping and Auditing, Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation; while Day 2 of the training had presentations done on Community Contracting and Procurement, Operations, Maintenance & Project Sustainability, Environmental Management & Social Safeguard, Conflict Management in communities, Report writing & Documentation, and, Effective Leadership & Team building in CSDP.

Also, the Operation Manager, ANCSDA, Mrs Uche Nwaizugbo who handled part of the presentations encouraged the CPMC and Subcommittee members to ensure that they work together as a team to be able to achieve success in their project implementations in the community. She also advised the communities to always integrate the vulnerable groups in their community activities and also support them in the implementation of their Group micro projects. The Communication Officer, ANCSDA, Mr Nnamdi Onuzulike in his presentation advised the participants to always avoid personality clashes and misunderstandings that may lead to conflicts in the course of their project implementation. He equally advised them that if conflict arises in the community which may threaten the project work, the participants are encouraged to review the conflict situations and first explore the use of local/traditional settlement steps to address the issues rather than rushing to court at first instance which may be costly and time wasting to the detriment of the expected speedy and efficient implementation of the projects.

In their separate speeches, the CPMC Chairman of Ugbene community, Chief Albert Ibe, while thanking ANCSDA on behalf of other participants also expressed his joy on the quality of training given to them which according to him will be very vital to successful project implementations in their communities while the CPMC Treasurer of Ebenebe community, MrsAjuorah Agatha, promised that they will ensure that the approved micro projects were implemented as advised in their communities to the benefit of their people.

Still in line with seeing that there is poverty reduction in rural communities, the ANCSDA engaged Local Government Review Committees of an additional 3 Focal Local government Areas for the implementation of Microprojects.

The Training has since ended and the State Agency moved on with their other community development activities in the state.


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